A downloadable mod

This is #1 of my BB+ Custom Levels with the Expanded Level Editor


GrandGames: The Expanded Level Editor

Basically Games: BB+


20_Notebooks.zip 8.7 kB

Install instructions

1. Have the Level Editor or Expanded version

Here is the Video on how to 

get the level editor

NOTE: In the video it is the same thing on how to get the Expanded version here is the link on how to get the Expanded version of the level editor https://gamebanana.com/mods/528528

2. Download the file in the page

Once you've got the Level Editor or Expanded version now download the floor from my page then extract the file and once it is done copy it and then my way to get it into the BB+ Level Editor Expanded actually open BB+ and then go to your file and then about and then click open save folder and then go to custom levels and paste the files that you have copied into the custom levels folder and then you are done.


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Pls android