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mac dosent work why

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NOTE: The reason I am not updating this is because I am making a new BB Mod is coming soon it is called Aldi's Memehouse have a great meme when it comes out

make a baldis basics plus  lastest ver modmenu one plz

Can you do android version of this?


Wow it actually works, thanks a bunch dude!


press tab to active it


Does it work with Steam achievements?


I thought it didnt cuz whenever I use it ingame i don't get the achievements, but maybe I'm wrong


witch key activate it?


I see that theres a mac version but its not working for me (unless the button to bring up the menu is not tab)

sorry I did not know how to set it up with a Mac computer

got to null mode in this game!!!

try using the itch app it works better

how do you play it instead of not playing it

open it

anyone answer me i eant a 32 bit version windows please

How to uninstall it

why is the mod menu not opening when I press tab

@peyton36 do jaldi's shithouse by baldiball mod menu next here is the link to download jaldi's shithouse you can click on the link  click on the text that says ''jaldi's shithouse by baldiball'': Jaldi's Shithouse by BaldiBall

I'm On Mac So I Can't Open It

yea it has a Mac version BUT IT WONT FUCKING OPEN!


plz ban oliver how ever owns this website


wut button make mod menu apear

Tab (On windows it's the top left beneath the esc button and the " ` " button


how do you make it appear?

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make what appear?

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the bbcr mod menu

press the tab button



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Shut the fuck up




maybe Mac is the same as Window


i download the mac one and gave me the windows one


I loved it, great job. :D ❤️


Thank you


dont work


Can you make the attack of baldloon android but is mod menu link:

how to open the mod menu in-game?


Tab customizable you can change it to different keys


this is how to use mod menu in bbcr.


how to use

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Idk just go crazy with it


no, I mean how to open the mod menu


Ok here it is

1. download the file

2. when it is done click extract all

3. when it is done you can open it

what key



Can you make on android?







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but idk how to


: (

Sorry I do not know how ):

baldi's basic's classic remastered is only for pc bruh


I love this game and mod menu


Ty 😊